Cigar Society of Chicago

While gerrymandering has been seen throughout American political history, it has become the target of increasing concern in recent decades. This talk and discussion will examine the methods by which gerrymandering is achieved, its current legal status in America, its effects upon contemporary politics, and possible remedies to reduce these effects.
Register for this event.

This will be a hybrid event, jointly hosted in-person in the lounge at Iwan Ries and over Zoom. For those participants attending in person, cigars, premium open bar, and food are included. $50 each covers costs. For those attending by Zoom only, the cover charge is $5.

Dr. John Frendreis is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Loyola University, Chicago. His areas of research and teaching specialization include American politics, elections, public policy, and research methodology. Over the course of his career he has authored or co-authored three books and nearly fifty articles and book chapters. His most recent publication (with Ray Tatalovich) is “Direct Democracy, Policy Diffusion, and Medicalized Marijuana” which appeared in Politics and Life Sciences in 2021. He last spoke to the Cigar Society in February 2016, when he asked the question, Who Sent these People? "Looking Forward" to the 2016 Elections.
[image] John Frendreis

About the Cigar Society of Chicago

ONE OF THE OLDEST AND greatest traditions of the city clubs of Chicago is the discussion of intellectual, social, legal, artistic, historical, scientific, musical, theatrical, and philosophical issues in the company of educated, bright, and appropriately provocative individuals, all under the beneficent influence of substantial amounts of tobacco and spirits.  The Cigar Society of Chicago embraces this tradition and extends it with its Informal Smokers, University Series lectures, and Cigar Society Dinners, in which cigars, and from time to time pipes and cigarettes, appear as an important component of our version of the classical symposium. To be included in the Cigar Society's mailing list, write to the secretary at