Cigar Society of Chicago


The Cigar Society is well known for its curmudgeons—indeed, some visitors have surmised that a disagreeable outlook on life (somewhat mitigated by the presence of cigars and copious amounts of scotch whiskey) is a requirement for membership. This is not strictly true. But it is also the case that not all curmudgeons are created equal, even among our august Society.

David O'Connor, coeur mechant extraordinaire, will return to the lectern this coming Tuesday to lead a cocktail and cigar party in celebration of fifteen years of regular meetings of the Cigar Society.

Mr. O'Connor has pressed several of our members into joining him in a Zoom panorama to reminisce fondly about of our past fifteen years and to gripe about everything else. Each curmudgeon—chosen by virtue of either consistent curmudgeonly behavior over the years, or because of great future promise in this area—will have a chance to give some pithy observations, or tell a bad joke, or preach bitterly about some favorite peccadillo.

There is still room for volunteers. You know who you are.

We encourage each of our members to send by return email any questions you might have for what one might call our Panel of Peccadilloes, Injustices, Resentments, Afflictions, Peeves, Hobgoblins, Gripes, Injuries, and Vexations. Here's a sample question: "According to Albert Camus, 'There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.' Describe three personal examples of injustices, injuries, or vexations, and recount any mitigating scorn."

Tuesday, November 24, 2020
5:30-7:00 pm CDT

Sign in 5:00-5:30 pm for informal cigar and cocktail chatter.
The event will be called to order at 5:30.
There will be a Q&A session following the lecture. Audience participation is invited.
The event will conclude at 7 pm.
An optional cocktail party and discussion will continue after the event.
Be sure to have your cocktails and cigars at ready hand.

Register for this event.

After you register for the event, look for Order Confirmation email from Eventbrite.
Scroll to the bottom of the message for a link to the video conference, and other instructions.
From the Order Confirmation email you can also save the event to your online calendar
and later join the video conference from the link automatically provided in the calendar entry.

About the Cigar Society of Chicago

ONE OF THE OLDEST AND greatest traditions of the city clubs of Chicago is the discussion of intellectual, social, legal, artistic, historical, scientific, musical, theatrical, and philosophical issues in the company of educated, bright, and appropriately provocative individuals, all under the beneficent influence of substantial amounts of tobacco and spirits.  The Cigar Society of Chicago embraces this tradition and extends it with its Informal Smokers, University Series lectures, and Cigar Society Dinners, in which cigars, and from time to time pipes and cigarettes, appear as an important component of our version of the classical symposium.  To be included in the Cigar Society's mailing list, write to the secretary at