Cigar Society of Chicago
Stefanie Drysdale: Your Digital
                              Footprint -- Be Careful Where You Step

You know where you leave your footprints in the physical world, but what about the online world?  Do you know if you’re being followed or if someone is someone is pretending to be you?  In the cyber world, it’s not just what others are sharing about us, but what we’re unknowingly sharing about ourselves.

Being unaware of your online exposure is the equivalent to leaving your doors unlocked, and equally dangerous. In this presentation you'll find out about how you can assess the risks of your own digital footprint and ensure that you’re leaving no doors to your privacy and safety unlocked!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020
5:30-7:00 pm CDT

Sign in 5:00-5:30 pm for informal cigar and cocktail chatter.
The event will be called to order at 5:30.
There will be a Q&A session following the lecture. Audience participation is invited.
The event will conclude at 7 pm.
An optional cocktail party and discussion will continue after the event.
Be sure to have your cocktails and cigars at ready hand.

Register for this event.

Stefanie Drysdale has been with Prescient since the opening of their Chicago headquarters in 2016 and as vice president of cyber, she has been instrumental in building Prescient’s cyber offerings, particularly the Executive Digital Protection Program. Working closely with the firm’s practice leads, she provides support for organizations and high-profile clients ranging from Fortune 100 corporations to boutique firms. Stefanie has also been an active proponent of cybersecurity awareness, having hosted and participated in many panel discussions, webinars, and presentations about online safety and good digital hygiene, as well as the role of women in the security and cybersecurity fields.

About the Cigar Society of Chicago

ONE OF THE OLDEST AND greatest traditions of the city clubs of Chicago is the discussion of intellectual, social, legal, artistic, historical, scientific, musical, theatrical, and philosophical issues in the company of educated, bright, and appropriately provocative individuals, all under the beneficent influence of substantial amounts of tobacco and spirits.  The Cigar Society of Chicago embraces this tradition and extends it with its Informal Smokers, University Series lectures, and Cigar Society Dinners, in which cigars, and from time to time pipes and cigarettes, appear as an important component of our version of the classical symposium.  To be included in the Cigar Society's mailing list, write to the secretary at