[illinois county map]

C U R T I S   T U C K E Y

Tuesday, March 18, 5:30-8:30pm
The Lounge at Iwan Ries, 19 South Wabash

Cocktails at 5:30, presentation 6:00-6:30
followed by discussion and more cocktails.    
$40 includes drinks, two cigars, and sandwiches. 
Reservations are required.

Imagine looking at a map of Africa’s Ivory Coast, where within a few hundred miles you have Benin and Togo, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, and Equatorial Guinea... it becomes a blur to the mind and the eye. How can one keep these countries straight?

On October 23, 1852, Professor Augustus De Morgan wrote a letter to a colleague that included a problem posed by a former student of his: what is the least possible number of colors needed to fill in any map, real or invented, so that neighboring counties or countries are always colored differently?

Despite being attacked, piece by piece, by the foremost mathematicians of the world, the problem remained unsolved for 125 years. The final solution, was completed using supercomputers at the University of Illinois in 1976.

Believe it or not, this story of math and maps is a real page-turner, filled with colorful characters, dramatic twists and turns, stunning setbacks and disappointments, heart-breaking suicides and near suicides, and finally, success, here in Illinois.

About the Cigar Society of Chicago

ONE OF THE OLDEST AND greatest traditions of the city clubs of Chicago is the discussion of intellectual, social, legal, artistic, historical, scientific, musical, theatrical, and philosophical issues in the company of educated, bright, and appropriately provocative individuals, all under the beneficent influence of substantial amounts of tobacco and spirits.  The Cigar Society of Chicago embraces this tradition and extends it with its Informal Smokers, University Series lectures, and Cigar Society Dinners, in which cigars, and from time to time pipes and cigarettes, appear as an important component of our version of the classical symposium.  To be included in the Cigar Society's mailing list, write to the Secretary at curtis.tuckey@logicophilosophicus.org.