25 May 2010

Ernie and Marco Freudman host a
Rooftop Smoker at QuotePro
Tuesday, May 25, 5:30-8:30pm
820 North Orleans Street, Suite 400

Cocktails and hors d'oeuvre hosted by QuotePro.  BYO cigars.
There is no charge for this event, but 
reservations are required.

Join the Cigar Society on the rooftop deck of QuotePro's spiffy new offices on Orleans near Chicago Avenue -- just a half block from Chicago Station on the Brown Line.  There is no charge for this event, and no formal program.  We are expecting partly cloudy skies and 79F.

The elusive Dick Danstrom (right) on deck at QuotePro.
Ernie Freudman (left) and friends.

Ernie Freudman is a long-time member of the Cigar Society.  His company, QuotePro, has been delivering software solutions for providing quick and easy comparative quoting for all lines of insurance to agents and brokers since 1991.


Coming up

Subsequent Tuesdays this summer
Outdoors at Ceres Cafe, weather permitting.  Bring your own cigars, or buy some from Jack Schwartz, in the Board of Trade Building, before 5:00.  Drinks are à la carte.

About the Cigar Society of Chicago

ONE OF THE OLDEST AND greatest traditions of the city clubs of Chicago is the discussion of intellectual, social, legal, artistic, historical, scientific, musical, theatrical, and philosophical issues in the company of educated, bright, and appropriately provocative individuals, all under the beneficent influence of substantial amounts of tobacco and spirits.  The Cigar Society of Chicago embraces this tradition and extends it with its Informal Smokers, University Series lectures, and Cigar Society Dinners, in which cigars, and from time to time pipes and cigarettes, appear as an important component of our version of the classical symposium.  To be included in the Cigar Society's mailing list, write to the Secretary at CigarSociety@logicophilosophicus.org.