Cigar Society Garden Party, Tuesday, July 31st, Nelson's Garden, 5:30-8:30pm

On this last day of July, club member John Nelson will host this year's Cigar Society Garden Party at his home on Racine near Armitage.  Cocktails and picnic-style food will be provided. There is no charge for this event, but please RSVP to Curtis Tuckey before July 28.

Mr. Nelson's house is five minutes' walk from the CTA Brown Line's Armitage Station; he will also have street-parking permits for those who want to drive and park on the street.  Paid parking is also available at Sheffield and Fullerton.

John H. Nelson (Illinois '69, U Club '06) is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and Corporate Executive at Harley Ellis Devereaux.

Through July, Flora's offspring smile / But still Nicotia's can beguile...